Getting Organized

Category Folders

Organizing things in folders is probably the most efficient way known to us. In Clutterboard, you can create as many Category folders as you like and name them, edit them or delete them. Also, by choosing your Interests during signup, Category folders of those Interests will be automatically created for you. To save a link in a Category folder you can either drag & drop it, or select the Category from the Tile’s Options or in the Widget.


Category Folders


Tags are an easy way to help us allocate things faster, and allow one single item to have multiple searchable attributes. When saving any link on Clutterboard, you can add as many Tags as you like, and each time you add a tag, Clutterboard recalls it and helps you select it from the list. To add a tag you can either drag & drop it to an already existing Tag, or type in the Tag in the Tile’s Options or in the Widget.



Drag & Drop

Similarly to how your Email Inbox works, your Organize Me folder acts like your Inbox folder, where everything uncategorized is saved. To categorize your links, you can simply drag & drop them to the desired Category folders and tags.

NOTE: A link can only belong to one Category folder, but can have multiple Tags.


Drag & Drop

Using Filters

To access your links faster you can either use the Search bar or use one of the Clutterboard Filters, found in MYCLUTTER on the top right corner.


Using Filters